

Franco Compania Naviera S.A. has identified safety and the protection of the environment from intentional or accidental pollution as two key areas in its sphere of operations that are of paramount importance and which need to be effectively controlled to prevent unnecessary injuries, loss of life, damage to health or property and degradation of the environment.

To meet this requirement, Franco Compania Naviera S.A. has fully incorporated the IMO’s International Safety Management Code requirements within its Management System. The System is designed to ensure that the Company’s activities are sufficiently controlled to protect personnel, property and the environment from all the risks and hazards that can be reasonably anticipated.

Furthermore the Company has adopted all national and international Rules and Regulations which affect its operations. To this end a maintenance program has been implemented for the Vessels, including inspections at set intervals.

The Company also recognizes that an effective Safety and Environmental Protection System ensures the welfare of all involved in the business, both ashore and at sea.

Safety concerns everyone and makes no discrimination based on rank. However, for it to be effective, the Company’s management must demonstrate and constantly emphasize its importance. To this end, the management is committed to make all personnel more safety conscious and to encourage onshore and onboard personnel to become actively involved in identifying possible hazards, implementing corrective action and constantly monitoring all aspects of their working environment to ensure that Safety conditions prevail.

An accident is indicative of a failure in the operating system, and the Company is committed to investigating fully all accidents or near accidents. The results of such investigations in order for everyone to learn from the incident.

Learning is a never ending journey on the road to excellence, and effective training is fundamental to the Company’s business and its safety culture. As our standards improve, new goals and targets will be set which all personnel shall strive to attain.


Franco Compania Naviera S.A. Occupational Health, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy applies to all personnel who may work on or visit the Company’s managed Vessels.

Occupational Health

The Company ensures the proper Safety environment for all employees, ashore and on board to operate efficiently, with comfort and safety.

All personnel, ashore and on board, are informed of and are educated on the health hazards of products they handle, or to which they may be exposed during the course of their work.

All hazardous substances are controlled, and emergency treatment is available, whenever necessary.

Procedures are established for:

  • Safe working practices.
  • Maintenance of machinery and equipment for safe working conditions.
  • Supply of personal protection equipment.
  • First aid training / facilities.
  • Accident reporting and investigation.
  • Record keeping.
  • Personal Data Privacy & Protection.

Drugs & Alcohol

The Company aims to ensure the safety of all employees, workers, and visitors by having clear rules in place regarding the use and possession of alcohol and drugs, and to support those who have reported a problem with alcohol or drug dependence. 

For the purpose of the policy, alcohol dependence is defined as: “The habitual drinking of intoxicating liquor by an employee, whereby the employee’s ability to perform his/her duties is impaired or his/her attendance at work is interfered with, or he/she endangers the safety of others“.

On all Vessels alcohol is only allowed in strictly limited quantities and its consumption is controlled to ensure compliance with the STCW Regulation VIII/1 (Fitness for Duty).

Consumption is prohibited during work periods and four hours before any scheduled work period.

All seafarers will be subjected to testing and screening for drugs and alcohol abuse during required pre-joining medical examinations and to Unannounced ‘Drug & Alcohol’ testing that will be conducted by the Company’s appointed External Contractor.

Any person found to have an alcohol dependence will not be employed aboard the Company’s managed Vessels.

The misuse of legitimate drugs or the use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit or un-prescribed controlled drugs ashore or onboard the ship or by shore staff/crew members on leave is prohibited.

The Company will not authorize the employment of any persons who are users of or have a recent record of using illegal drugs or have abused the use of prescribed drugs.

Any crew member found in breach of the Company’s drug policy will be instantly dismissed and handed over to the appropriate authorities for prosecution. All crew members and ashore personnel are reminded that in certain countries possession of illegal drugs can result in the DEATH PENALTY.

The Company aims to:

  • Ensure that personnel connected with the provision of services offered by the Company are appropriately experienced and trained for the respective task.
  • Identify training needs by means of on-going appraisal of individual development and performance.
  • Arrange appropriate training for individuals in accordance with the available resources and the  operational demands.
  • Encourage those more experienced in the Company’s business and operations to share their knowledge with less experienced personnel.Maintain adequate records of the personnel’s training and experience.
  • Conduct periodic informal interviews with its personnel where exchange of opinions can take place to address both the needs of the individual and those of the Company.
  • Adhere to national and international requirements.


The Company aims to:

  • Promote the health and welfare of the seafarers on board its managed vessels;
  • Provide and maintain a healthy shipboard environment;
  • Minimize the risks of tobacco smoke to non-smokers;
  • Educate seafarers on the harmful effects of smoking; and
  • Provide support and assistance to those seafarers who smoke and express a desire to quit.

Shipboard personnel may smoke in the designated areas during their breaks. The Company doesn’t encourage additional smoking breaks.

Smoking in cabins and any working area, the bridge, machinery spaces, workshops or control rooms, galley and pantries, store rooms, under deck passageways, cranes, cargo areas, main decks, poop decks, mooring decks or forecastle spaces on board the ship is absolutely prohibited.

The Visitors onboard our managed vessels are strictly forbidden to smoke outside the designated smoking areas.

Designated smoking areas should be prominently marked at their entrances and inside the specified areas.

“No Smoking” signs may be posted as deemed necessary.

Franco Compania Naviera S.A. is committed to provide safe and efficient ship management and marine transportation services, and, thereby, aims to foster long-term commercial relationships with its customers.

The Company has implemented a QMS that meets, as a minimum, the requirements of the ISO9001:2008 Standard, as specified in the Quality Management System, to prove its commitment.

To effectively implement the Quality Policy and meet its objectives, the Company:

  • Ensures compliance with all National, International and Flag Administration Legislations.
  • Takes into account all related guidelines, standards, codes and publications as applicable.
  • Provides adequate resources for the effective implementation of the QMS.
  • Sets quality objectives towards the continuous improvement of the system.
  • Continuously improves the QMS by taking necessary actions to correct identified problem areas, through the implementation of Internal Auditsand Management Reviews .
  • Meets customer requirements as defined in the Ship Management Agreements and Charter Parties.
  • All of the Company’s personnel, shore based and sea going, are responsible for implementing the Company’s Quality Policy.

The Company’s Management is responsible to monitor and review the Quality policy, on a regular basis, in order to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

As evidence of the Management’s commitment to the implementation of the above, the Quality policy is posted at prominent locations in the Company’s premises and on-board its managed vessels.

Information Security is a priority for Franco Compania Naviera S.A. The Company is committed to protecting information that is entrusted by clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The Information Security Policy outlines the minimum-security requirements which all members of the Company must comply with. Possible failure to protect information could potentially harm the Company, its personnel and third parties.

The Information Security Management System, including all relevant Policies, Procedures and Forms, isz signed by the Company’s Management and is communicated to the Company’s employees.

The Management of Franco Compania Naviera S.A. has authorized the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The ISMS defines the security framework which has to be applied in order to control t accidental or deliberate actions that may pose a  threat to the Company’s and its clients’ information assets.

Within this context, Franco Compania Naviera S.A. recognizes the value of data protection in providing Information System Services as well as the need to manage the risk related to confidentiality, integrity and availability of data handling during service delivery.

Franco Management is committed to:

  • Ensuring that ISMS objectives are set and meet the Company’s requirements.
  • Ensuring that the ISMS will be in compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
  • Continuously improving the ISMS according to business needs, to ensure a high level of effectiveness.
  • Monitoring through Management Reviews the completeness of the ISMS.
  • Ensuring the application of the ISMS according to all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual requirements.
  • Formulating, reviewing, and approving the Information Security Policy.
  • Providing clear direction and management support for Information Security initiatives.
  • Providing the resources needed for Information Security.
  • Approving the assignment of specific roles and responsibilities for Information Security within the Company.
  • Initiating plans and programs to maintain Information Security awareness.